The most important regulations related to Consumers of electricity are listed below. You can download these regulations from the download section of our web site. You can also use the search bar for locating it.
* Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 (As amended subsequently) - These Regulations applicable throughout the State cover the Codes and Practices to be followed by all Distribution Companies and Licensees in the State.
* KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION (STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE OF DISTRIBUTION LICENSEES) REGULATIONS, 2015- These Regulations are related to the Standards of Performance the Distribution Licensees are expected to maintain.
* Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum and Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, 2005- These regulations are related to the manner in which the Consumers can resolve their Complaints and Grievances. The CGRF and Ombudsman have to function in accordance with these Regulations.